Conference Schedule
9:00 am - 10:40 am
Workshop & Breakout 1 “Sanctuary in Action: Building Immigration Services into the Church”
Immigration Connection (Interactive Break-Out Session)
11 am - 12:15 pm Workshop & Breakout 2
“Breaking the Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of the Discovery”
Dr. Soong Chan Rah, Prof. of Evangelism, Fuller Seminary
12:15 pm Lunch
1 pm - 4 pm Early afternoon: “Tours of Topics”
Promised Land Academy, New York Covenant New Church Facility
Late Afternoon Gathering & Debrief Discussion: Alvin & Friends Restaurant
5 -6:30pm Dinner
7pm Evening Inaugural Speaker: Jemar Tisby, Author, The Color of Compromise, The Spirit of Justice

8:00 am - 8:50 am Breakfast
8:50 am - 9:00 am Devotion: The Sabbath as Rest
9:00 am - 10:30 am
Workshop & Breakout 3
“The Green Gospel: How Churches Can Lead in Environmental Justice”
Rev. Mariama White-Hammond
12:00 pm Lunch
1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Workshop & Breakout 4 “Real Estate Development as Justice”
Meredith Marshall - Co-Founder, Managing Partner, BRP Companies
Rob Hall - Vice President, National Covenant Properties
(Break-Out Discussion/Exercise)
5:00pm Dinner
7:00 pm
Evening Keynote Speaker: Rev. William J. Barber II

8:00 am-9:00 am Breakfast
Devotion: The Sabbath as Rest
9:00 am - 10:40 am
Workshop & Breakout 5 “ Educational Wealth: How Your Church Can Transform Marginalized Communities”
Interactive Breakout Session Rev. Dr. LaKeesha Walrond - President Emeritus, New York Theological Seminary and Dr. David E. Kirkland
10:55 am - 12:30 pm
Workshop & Breakout
“Creating Healthy Political Dialogue in a Contentious Society”
Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero, President, National Latino Evangelical Association & Rev. Dr. David W. Swanson: author of "Rediscipling the White Church"
12:30 pm – 2 pm Closing Luncheon Keynote Speaker